Besides psychotherapy and coaching, I also offer training programs on the two areas of emotional management and communication in which I specialize.
Training Approach
Attending a training with me, you can expect the following things:
Learning principles, not just techniques. I don’t just teach techniques for better communication or emotional management. I also teach the underlying principles. It’s like learning not just a recipe for a dish, but also why that dish is prepared the way it is. This way you can grasp the techniques more deeply, adapt them to context, and apply them in the most effective manner.
Ideas that work. I teach concepts and techniques that are backed-up by reliable scientific studies, and have been successfully put into practice by many of my clients. I also occasionally debunk popular but seriously flawed ideas from the personal development industry.
Lots of visual aids. I recognize the power of images to facilitate learning. This is why in my training programs I use slides with lots of suggestive images and graphics, I draw often on the whiteboard, and I employ many engaging videoclips for exemplification and case studies.
An informal, non-judgmental environment. I have an informal, open and easy-going attitude as a trainer, and I actively work to make the training environment one where participants feel comfortable, speak openly and can discuss even sensitive issues.
Relevant recommendations are available on demand.